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Avoid the Rat Race, Live a Limitless Life

Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.

When Life Feels like all you do is run, but you get nowhere
Running but Getting Nowhere

Modern life is nothing short of a rat-race.  We have an early rise for an hour drive and an 8-hour grind. Then, another hour to come back home to a list of chores.  That barely leaves an hour or two, to relax before we have to fall asleep.  Then rinse and repeat.  A lucky few are able to find a grind that they truly love, and then, it becomes no work at all.  But for most … our job is something we have to do in order to get through life.

Let’s face it: life is hard and full of problems.  For most, holding job is about 10 hours or more each day (including commute and occasionally running late).  Most people sleep between 5 and 8 hours each day. We spend 2-4 hours doing chores daily. This leaves literally just a couple of hours each day to relax and enjoy life.  The excess of stress and anxiety, low funds and no time, often leads to a very poor quality of life.

The easiest way to deal with problems is to throw money at it.  The basic tenet of business is to identify a problem and offer a solution. Then, when people are ready to throw money at the problem they can solve, the business is there to catch it.  Thing is most people have more problems than they have money to throw at.

To make things worse, most people have been conditioned to believe that they need to accept their circumstances are their reality, and they need to simply live with it.

Breaking Free of the Rat Race

Guy realizing he can leave the rat race when he wants.
Photo Credit: Andrea Piacquadio via Pexels

A few years back, my friend lost their job.  a couple of weeks after the last paycheck ran out, they still had not found a job, but there were electric and internet bills that were now due … so they asked for a small loan.  The following week, they had no groceries, and I didn’t want my fiend to go hungry, so another loan.

As the end of the month was rolling around, I knew that rent was going to be due pretty soon and I’d get hit up for more money.  Anticipating this, I opened myself up a Fiverr account offering English to Spanish Translations.  I did a couple just to get my reviews started and sure enough, I was hit for another loan.

However, this time, instead of forking up the dough, or saying no, I countered with: “what say you help me with some translations, and I can just pay you for them … and you won’t have to pay me back?”

Of course, my friend agreed. They were ecstatic that they would be able to cover their obligations without accruing new ones.  Once I had recovered the money I had ‘loaned out’, I taught my friend how to find their own gigs.

What was most surprising for me was: my friend had the ability to do this on his own from the start, but because he did not have a job, he didn’t know what to do.

And That’s What We Are About

Norman Vinvent Peale, Father of Positive Thinking
Norman Vincent Peale, Father of Positive Thinking

Living a Limitless Life is about getting out of the rat race by overcoming your limiting beliefs.  Every living thing, from the lowly ant to the mighty elephant, seeks to gain pleasure or avoid pain.  It is this desire that taints our attitudes, experiences and reactions.  These are the parameters that set up our ‘comfort zone’.

A very wise man (Norman Vincent Peale) once said,

Repetition of the same thought or physical action develops into a habit which, repeated frequently enough, becomes an automatic reflex.

What this means, is that once our minds are set to specific patterns of motion or thought, we react by instinct, not by thought.

Put another way, we react out of habit. 

It is no surprise then, that the most successful people have good habits, and people that are not successful have bad habits.

Living a Limitless Life means leaning good habits that will lead to Better Health, More Money, and better use of your Time.

Why would we bother to being this information out? In helping others, you help yourself.

The Law of Attraction states that what you put out into the world comes back to you.  Different people have expressed this concept with notorious quotes, but they all amount to the same thing.

  • What goes around, comes around.
  • If you keep doing the same thing you’ve always done, you’ll get the same thing you’ve always got.
  • The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results.

So this is our way of putting value into the universe, so that the universe can throw value our way, in whatever form it may take.
